5 Reasons Why Choosing the Right Tax Preparer Matters

Tax filing season is upon us. For the next four months or so, our televisions will be dominated by tax preparation commercials reminding us of the imminent April 15th deadline to submit our tax returns. Peace of mind is important to many taxpayers who might not trust themselves with properly identifying all available deductions and loopholes. That’s why the tax preparation industry brings in billions of dollars every filing season….

Tyler DeWitt Featured on Fox 17 Nashville

Fox 17 News Nashville recently featured Tyler DeWitt of DeWitt Law in a story about the newly unveiled GOP tax plan and how it may save taxpayers time and money: “A lot of this is kind of just smoke and mirrors to some degree, DeWitt said. “All aimed at trying to simplify things. Not necessarily saving a significant amount of money but just simplify how you’re doing your taxes.” –…

The Consequences for Not Filing Your Federal Income Tax Returns

Have you ever wondered what would happen if you decided to stop filing your income tax returns with the IRS? Or, like many of my clients, are you waiting in absolute terror to see what the IRS does after years of not filing your returns? The answer to these questions is actually quite simple and can have a somewhat good ending or a very bad one, depending on a multitude…